Thursday, April 10, 2014


Sweetie’s Plog  ❤

Today Realmom took us outside to watch her rake leaves!  She tied our leashes to a stake in the ground. It was really fun because Libby had to stay close to me! She couldn’t snub me like she has been doing since I got here. I got to sniff her asshole lots of times, It was great. She sniffed my asshole too.

I got to pee on every pile of leaves Realmom raked up. I’m not sure she liked that part. I couldn’t tell. But she did stop smiling for a minute.

Well I couldn’t pee on the tree because it was busy!

After we peed for a while some people stopped to see us.  I was pretty scared but I did sniff a hand that was attached to one of them.

Did I tell you that Realmom brings me breakfast in bed? Well on couch anyway.  I am starting to consider maybe possibly in a year or two letting her get a little closer to me.  …. Maybe.

Oh and guess what? Memee is my friend now. He’s so cozy. I love to sit on him.
Here is a picture of me being an alien . Giggle

Looks like realmom is bringing us dinner now. 
I’ll tell you about my new dress tomorrow

Thank You Nice Humans

Sweetie’s Plog 

Thank you so much for commenting on my puppy log. I am new at this so it makes me feel really good.
Love Sweetie

Friday, April 4, 2014

Sweetie’s Plog ❤ About Me and Other New Stuff

Hi, I am a sweet poodle. That’s why my name is Sweetie. I was very unhappy in an awful Amish puppy mill for the first very whole seven years of my life, which is 50 years to you. Fifty years of misery, freezing, toothaches, hunger, darkness and servitude!. That’s why I am scared of everything. I never saw people up close, except when they took my babies away.  I don't trust any people after the way those Amish people treated me. But I am not complaining because I am a sweet girl. But, finally ATAILTOTELL rescuedme from that.   They put me in a much better place. And I tried really hard to be a good girl so that they wouldn’t send me back. 

Um, yip yip squeak yip yip.  Oops, sorry, I still get mixed up with Humanlish. Oh well, I can’t bark anyway because they cut my barker at the puppy mill. I wonder why? I was a good girl there too.

Then I wrote a bad letter to my foster mom, Mrs. Beth. She was very kind to me. So when she sent me to Mrs. Stillman (Realmom) I thought I had been naughty. But, Libby, my Dogmom, explained to me that Mrs. Beth didn’t send me away because she wanted to get rid of me. Libby said Mrs. Beth was just my foster mom and she had to give me away when Realmom asked her to. I feel much better about that now. I thought she didn’t want me but I was wrong. They both wanted me!  

I am trying really hard to be a good girl now too, but I still get so scared that sometimes I don't act right.  Noisy bangs totally freak me. I try to run away but sometimes my feet just run in place on 

the slippery shiny wood floors. I tried unshining them in a few spots just to make them easier to run on. But, Realmom kept wiping the spots up with this white paper that magically turned yellow the minute she touched it to the floor. It was really cool but still, I would prefer she didn’t do that. Oh well, I might have to give up on that endeavor. There are plenty of other things that need ‘work’ around here anyway, ha ha.

 I am getting better every day though. You can ask Realmom if you don't believe me. She tells me I am much braver.   Like today we went for a walk down a path and across a bridge and over a creek! I was really cool on the leash..  Realmom held it tight on the bridges because she was afraid I would jump into the water. But I don't think I would have. Hmmm. She might be right though because she is a magic two footed extra big animal.

We walked all around six mile creek (well a couple of blocks anyway)and then back home again.It sure is beautiful up here.
It was so fun! I must’ve peed a zillion times!  Dogmom did too. I would pee on spot, then she would pee on the spot, then she would pee on a spot, and then I would....  Well you get the picture. I don’t think  I will need to pee again forever!  Wait a minute. I might be wrong about that. Be right back.....

Where was I? Oh walking. Like I said I was a perfect doggie on the leash. Realmom sometimes stopped short on purpose boom!  So I stopped too. Then she would say “good girl sweetie!” It made me happy for a whole minute!

When we got home  Realmom went into the kitchen and cut something up with a teeny knife. She put a piece of it right in front of me. Well how could I run from that?  Yummy!   And guess what? I ate some pieces from her hand too.  She looked soooo excited, but she tried to stay still, I could tell. I hope she does it again. I lved it!

Later,  Realmom put a gray flannel  thunder something on me. It was totally awesome. It felt so good that I let her come and pet me while I just chilled!  I am wearing it right now, cuddled up on Realmom’s leg, just hangin….BTW Dogmom is writing this for me because I don't know how to use an iPad yet, although I do know how to use a puppy pad…. once in a while.
Well that's enuf writing for today, we are all feeling sleepy.
Dogmom, Realmom and I are zonking out on the couch. We are putting ourselves to sleep watching animals on TV.  Dogmom is making dream barks. Realmom is smiling with her eyes closed.  I think I might be smiling a little too..